Sunday, January 19, 2014


I'll try to keep my entry short today, since it has been such a long and tiring day. I'm about to take a long nap! 
Today's the last Sunday here! The last chance to actually explore during a long excursion. So why not hit THE spot for tourism, right!? We drove to the South of Tenerife today for a boat ride (at noon) and then lunch and tour the area after that. 

Below is pretty much a picture-blog of my day :P

Of course, I had a barraquito for breakfast (along with a fruit salad). This is from a bakery in front of the church that Bess, Alyia, and I went to this morning. In La Laguna. The weather was horrible. And that's pretty much throughout these past two weeks. It's been raining on and off, and I've heard from my doctors that it wasn't that bad other years. I guess we just picked a bad year to go haha.. but that's okay. The weather does NOT stop me from enjoying myself! I've fought against the snow to hang out, so the rain is no problemo. But also because I've been using Allen's umbrella, which is humongous!

Fortunately, it didn't rain in the south, so the boat ride was okay. For the most part. Actually, just initially. Because of the rough weather, the water was so choppy and rough... So Alyia and I got a little seasick. "A little" is probably an underestimation. I was lying down half way through the ride.. couldn't eat my lunch.. felt like throwing up, but couldn't and didn't... The ride was terrible, and I felt so so SO bad afterward.. 

This is the "before" picture... which is why we all look so happy. Aren't we just so adorable!!!

The view was amazing. I think the scenery here is one of the many things that I will miss the most.. Can't find stuff like this when I return to White Oak.

I finally got to see a very short dolphin "show." We drove out pretty far to be able to see these pretty dolphins. It only lasted for like 2 seconds.. but I managed to snap a shot with my phone. The one time when my camera would be useful to capture the quick dolphins... I actually forget to put the memory card back into the camera. My heart dropped this morning in the bakery when I found out that I didn't put the memory card back last night after blogging...!

So after the boat ride, we had lunch at this restaurant (that David said has the best chicken on the island) which I think is pretty famous for its chicken because we had to wait like 30 minutes to get a table. I thought it was worth it though because the flavoring of the chicken is very different from those I've had before. I'm personally not a chicken-person, but I have to admit - those were some pretty good wings. 

Here's a pretty group picture where we actually look like we love each other. We really do love each other, I promise (.. or at least I think we do). But if you watch The Big Bang Theory, you'd probably know us sciencie-people rarely express our emotions lol you know, sometimes, I start to think the fellows don't even like each other because we seem so distant toward each other (myself, especially).. but then I stop and believe that perhaps it's because we're just an awkward group of people who don't know how to properly express our appreciation and love for each other. Or maybe that's just me.. I don't know. I personally love these fellows, but I don't think it comes through in the way I act ... 

Anyway. After lunch, we had ice cream at a place nearby (maybe 5min away?) that David said is the best ice cream on the island ... I'm starting to have doubts about these "best" places David says :P But the ice cream was actually really good. Not that I have much to compare to, since I've only had maybe two different ones on the island so far, but this - coffee and lemon - was a good combination. Tangy lemon (tasted so so fresh!) and sweet coffee. It was also really soft. Just full of YUMMMS! I swear to you it will be a miracle if I don't gain a couple of pounds after this trip... 

We got to see the sunset .... <3 Time to cross that off my list! It was absolutely beautiful... I am still beating myself up for not having the memory card for the camera today. This scene would have been picture-perfect!

*All these photos are taken from my phone, which is probably why they aren't as clear as they should be :(

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