Monday, January 20, 2014

For some odd reason....

.. we were all really giggly today.. Maybe it's because we're getting more and more comfortable with one another.. maybe it's the start of the last week.. maybe we're just happy that it's almost time to go back home... me, personally? I think it's because the sun came out today! These past few days have been rainy, and literally everywhere I went, I had to carry an umbrella just in case it rains. But today, the weather was perfect. It's probably the nicest since I've been here. It wasn't cold or wet.. it was just nice.

Nice enough to walk around Santa Cruz after our hospital experience.

Bess, Alyia, and I took the tranvia to Santa Cruz after I finished at the hospital and they with Base5. The weather was amazing that I didn't even need a jacket (which I only brought ONE on this whole trip =.= oh silly me, thinking it'd be 80 degrees everyday. Tip #5- Bring at least one heavy jacket and one light one for the Winter program, even if the predicted weather is 70 degrees and above).

We walked around for what felt like hours (actually, 4 hours), looking for souvenirs and gifts to bring back to the states. I am definitely picky when it comes to gifting, which is why I still haven't gotten anything so far. I absolutely dislike the cheap-looking, made-in-china type of souvenirs. I think I'd rather get something completely random, non-Tenerife related that is pretty nice in quality than those. That's just me. So I didn't see anything interesting.. This is going to be harder than I had expected. I'm gonna have to make a trip to the mall and La Laguna and possibly Santa Cruz again some time this week to look around once more. Although the one thing I am still hesitant about is that I'd have to make the trip by myself because... most of the fellows are running out of euros to shop D: I'm fine with shopping by myself but not when every one else speaks Spanish, and I know so very little.. We'll see how it goes.. But you know, something I didn't quite expect is that I really didn't spend a lot during this trip! I was so surprised that over the last two weeks, I've only spent like 100 euros.. But of course, that's because I haven't gone shopping or done anything extravagant to spend more than that... only some food and transportation... and of course, I didn't have to buy expensive Adidas sportswear *cough*Allen*cough*

Only a couple more days... to get all the shopping done.. to write thank you cards... to have fun with my fellows for the last time... to chat with my doctors and students... to enjoy the last of Tenerife.

I know the fellows don't mean to do this, but they've been counting down the days, and though it is a bittersweet feeling for most, it's definitely much more bitter than sweet for me. Alyia mentioned that after this, we'll NEVER see each other again. Obviously, we'll never see David again. And it makes me really really really sad. I don't think anyone actually understands this about me, but for some odd reason, I do not want to think about it (the end, that is). I've always been too much of a relational type of person, if that even makes any sense. It always takes me awhile to develop a personal connection with someone and to really connect in a way that I feel comfortable being myself around him/her. And I feel like this trip has done just that for me. This past week, I've finally let myself out of my shell when I'm with the fellows and David. I no longer hold back my views, opinions, and really- personality. So it makes me sad that there are only 3 days left with the fellows... I've never liked goodbyes, and quite frankly, I'm not good at it.. But. That's all I'll say about goodbyes. No more. The rest of my blog entries will be filled with sunshine, butterflies, rainbows, and unicorns, I promise. I'll try to make the rest of my experience that way. No more sadness!

So this week, I switched over to Rheumatology, which I thought was just as interesting as Gastroenterology (despite what Allen has been telling me!)

But it's too late to extend my blog entry further about my experience at this new department, so I'll save that for next time! No pictures :(

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